Earn PDUs

At the beginning of 2016, PMI launched the new Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program to support the ongoing educational and professional development of our certification holders.

The CCR program is designed to be flexible so that it can adapt to the members needs and allow you to customize your CCR activities. It provides a general framework and guidance – you determine your ultimate CCR and development path.

The reporting of your Professional Development Units (PDU’s) is now triggered by 2 main sets of activities:


Learning activities that allow you to broaden your knowledge in one of the PMI Talent Triangle skill areas: Technical, Leadership, or Strategic and Business Management.
It covers 5 types of activities:

  • Course or Training
  • Organization Meetings
  • Online or Digital Media
  • Read
  • Informal Learning

Giving Back

Activities that enable you to share and apply your knowledge and skills as a means to contribute to and help build the profession.

It covers 5 types of activities:

  • Work as a Practitioner
  • Create Content
  • Give a Presentation
  • Share Knowledge
  • Volunteer

To obtain more information about these PDU categories and report them, please visit CCRS (Continuous Certification Report System) which gives more explanation and allow you to report your PDUs. 

Guideline on how to report PDUs related to PMI Belgium Chapter events

PMI Belgium has now also updated the way to report PDUs related to events directly organized by the Chapter in Belgium.
The new PMI PDUs rules related to Chapter events are the report of maximum 2 PDUs per Chapter event.

There are 2 ways to report PDUs for PMI Belgium Chapter events:

  • Reported as “Course or Training” for PMI Belgium Chapter events identified with a code
    Each event organized by PMI Belgium has a PDU code which should be used when you report it as a “course or training”. C133 – 20160317 is an example of a PDU code.
  • Reported as “Organization Meetings”
    In this case, no need to use a PDU code. You just need to provide the requested information by PMI.
    The PDUs related to the PMI Belgium Satellites events should be only reported as “Organization Meetings”. No PDUs codes will be created centrally. You just need to provide the requested information.

Any questions please look at PMI Belgium Website or contact professional.development@pmi-belgium.be.